From their very emergence as a medium, video games have been celebrating death. In games, killing is a fun, tension-releasing activity. It allows the player to break moral codes and enjoy a consequence-free world. The moments of death in the game are sublime. They are moments of beauty resulting from the destructive power the game lets the player wield.
Like any action in a video game, killing is mediated by interfaces (a screen, a mouse, a controller). These interfaces distance the player from the murderous act—and the moral questions it raises.
In the virtual world, these buffers are removed, and the players find themselves in the heart of darkness. A crack opens in the magic wall that separates the in-game space from the outside world. Through this crack, we want to explore the nature of the killing experience in games.
“Kill’em All!” is an immersive gaming experience that focuses solely on killing. No narrative, no obstacles, and no moral justification. Just killing.
Kill’em All!
Renard Gluzman, Vered Pnueli, Merav Perez, Eran Hadas