A digital platform, website, and Instagram page created with the aim of providing a lighthearted but accurate introduction to the world of textiles and making it more accessible. The platform will explain concepts and materials and include stories about fabrics.
“Mispick” is a textile term that refers to a flaw in the weave. The seed of this project was planted with the thought that there are more than enough textile materials and products being designed, but very little accessible, precise information about technologies, manufacturing processes, materials, properties, concepts, and even artworks in the medium of textiles. Developing this thought, we created a fictional character named Mispick who runs an Instagram account and website. She innocently and lovingly asks questions and finds answers in entertaining and creative ways. The digital platform contains information relevant to the contemporary textile field, addresses questions about environmental quality and working conditions, makes information about materials and products more accessible, and uses human stories to create a real connection to the magical world of textiles.
Material and techniques: social media and website
Mis Pick: In search of the perfect fabric
Adi Lynton | Maya Nathan