Four garments and four mannequins inspired by four stories that express the disillusionment and changed perspective on the journey from a magical childhood to a dark adulthood.
“Each mannequin presents a different and magical story from my childhood memories that took a twist as I grew older and more disillusioned and turned into a sad, dark story,” says Amsalem.
An outfit was designed for each mannequin that expresses the magical aesthetic. The clothing, which represents growing up and disillusionment, is made of soft, delicate fabrics and decorated with glittering stones, which serve to mask the darker stories. On the journey from the stories to the mannequins, and from the mannequins to the clothing, a perspective was formed: all that glitters is not magic, and if you look deep enough you will discover the true darkness of life.
Materials: fabrics, printing mesh, stones, beads, thread, Acrilan, embroidery hoops, buttons, zippers, Styrofoam
Techniques: sewing, gluing, knotting, knitting, stone setting, braiding, cutting, beading, dying, embroidery
Dark Garden – Magical Garden
Noa Amsalem