Habait Hameshutaf (the Hebrew term for “apartment building”, which literally translates to “a shared home”) is a publishing house dedicated to Arab literature. Its mission is to bridge the disparate components of the pan-Arab identity, creating a collective literary and story-driven narrative for Arabic readers and speakers. To start, Shared House Publishing intends to launch three series: “Palestinian Stories” is a series about Palestinian-Arab identities, borders, land expropriation, homesickness and longing for the homeland. “Arab Novels” explores the pan-Arab identity from a socio-cultural point of view by accessibly presenting stories with views about different issues in Arab society. “Beautiful Ideas” is a nonfiction collection focused on cultural, social, and political theory. Each of the titles published by Shared Home Publishing represents a separate idea and story while remaining integral to the collective pan-Arab narrative.
Habayit Hameshutaf: Shared Home Publishing
Moath Azem