
שנקר - הנדסה. עיצוב. אמנות.
אנה פרנק 12 רמת גן | טל.03-6110000 | SHENKAR.AC.IL
עיצוב גרפי: גילעד בר @SHENKARCOLLEGE



Design instructor - Moni Madnik, technical instructor - Dalia Cohen

Our world tends to be very realistic and rational: office jobs, schedules, bills.

An emotional person, like me, is often perceived as childish, unpredictable, messy, and irresponsible and is expected to grow up and adapt to society.

I had hoped that my studies would turn me into a “serious” person, but all my efforts only led to mistakes.

The collection is a humorous tribute to my personal journey at Shenkar where I finally learned to turn my flaws into my source of pride. 

  The collection is based on a single task:

To make a button-down white shirt.

a simple task, but a challenge for me.

The collection consists of a sequence of mistakes that instead of correcting and hiding, I accepted and celebrated.

I used hand knitting to search for creative solutions.

The project examines the boundaries of the buttoned-down white shirt and seeks the freedom within them. the freedom to create, to make mistakes and to be myself

Photo: Ido Lavie, Adi Segal


room for mistakes

Zohar Ben-Simon