This project is intended to spark a public debate about the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the importance of rehabilitating the world’s forests. To this aim, we developed a line of robotic forest rangers responsible for reforesting and sustainably managing forests. Each robot has a defined role in managing and preserving the forest. The roles and formal language of the robots were drawn from a long process of learning about common forestry activities and seeking an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the world’s forests. The robotic forest rangers operate in different arrangements depending on the needs of the forest. They can function either as separate units or in teams. The project’s visual and conceptual power stems from the hybrid connection between nature and technology – two worlds often perceived as contradictory. The project offers a possible solution to a very pressing issue.
The three robotic forest rangers are represented with sketches, computer simulations, and models:
Chunk: in charge of sawing, thinning, and trimming plants and trees
Dickson: in charge of reforesting and planting cuttings and seedlings
Rico: in charge of gathering, monitoring, and analyzing information from the forest
Materials and techniques: modeling and computerized 3D simulations, steel, bioplastics, biomass, biodiesel
Forest Ranger Druids
Segev Kaspi