This project concerns the recycling of binary mixtures composed of polypropylene and polyethylene.
It is well known that the properties of a recycled material are negatively affected even after the first round of recycling, which limits the use of the material. With the goal of preserving the properties of the recycled binary mixture and even improving them, various correlations were added to the mixture in different percentages in order to improve the material’s properties with an emphasis on impact resistance and flow. The project was conducted in collaboration with the CIRCLE: Plastic Recycling Technologies consortium, supported by the Israel Innovation Authority. Among the partners in the consortium are several industry companies, including Avgol and Shalag (manufacturers of nonwoven fabrics, which integrate polyethylene and polypropylene into wet wipes, dusting cloths, disposable diapers, and filters), Keter Plastic (which manufactures a range of injection-molded consumer goods), and Shahaf Upgraded Plastic, a subsidiary of Tosaf Compounds (which works in recycling plastic waste).
Recycling Binary Mixtures
Adir Tal and Noura Sader