
שנקר - הנדסה. עיצוב. אמנות.
אנה פרנק 12 רמת גן | טל.03-6110000 | SHENKAR.AC.IL
עיצוב גרפי: גילעד בר @SHENKARCOLLEGE



Gilad Davidi

Abstract: A wearable transportation vehicle designed to transport passengers around the urban space. The vehicle is designed to suit the human body and the riding surface by using innovative technology that allows it to adapt to changing road conditions.

This project is a design proposal for streamlining within the urban space that will allow the user to save time and money as well as the bother of looking for parking; it will make getting from one point to another within the city much more efficient. The vehicle utilizes green energy and is a reimagining of the flexible “roller skates” that attach to the surface of the shoe. The wearer’s shoes easily interface with the motorized surface, which enables the wearer to control the vehicle’s speed. The project was inspired by classic roller skates, which support the ankle and heel to prevent injury and allow optimal steering control. 

Rollsi - Electric Roller Skates 3.0

(Shamsi) Dana Ben Zion